segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2010

Boletim Semanal - Notícias


Recebi mais um convite para publicar meu texto sobre “Structure of Dependence”, editado originalmente pela American Economic Review, principal revista do mainstream dos economistas otodoxos norte americanos, como parte de uma antologia sobre Economia Política Internacional. O autor deste “reader” é Benjamin Cohen que gentilmente (pois são majoritários os casos de pirataria) me contatou para este fim.

Se você quer ver como andam os estudos sobre economia política internacional nos Estados Unidos assim como os principais economistas que formam a opinião dos economistas estadunidenses sobre esta disciplina, veja o índice do livro de Benjamin Cohen (clique aqui para baixá-lo), a sair num dos mais prestigiosos editoriais do país. Vale a pena ler também as mensagens de sua assistente que publico abaixo.

"Dear Dr. Dos Santos,

Thank you for your warm response. It is sincerely an honor to have you as a part of the anthology. I am very pleased that you are willing to grant permission, however, we do not require "exclusive rights" to your work. So that is not a concern. We will also require permission from the publisher, which I believe is the American Economic Association. I have contacted them today to make them aware you are agreeable to our request.

In regards to the plan for the book, Dr. Cohen has been traveling for much of the summer. However, I have spoken with him briefly to let him know you are able to participate. He sends his regards and suggested that I forward you a copy of the table of contents for the anthology (see attached).

Please let me know if I can answer any further questions. I am always happy to help.



Tabitha M. Benney
Department of Political Science
University of California, Santa Barbara

-----Original Message-----
From: Theotonio

To: 'Tabitha M. Benney'

Sent: Thu, Jul 15, 2010 2:01 pm
Subject: RES: Request for Permission Rights

Dear Tabitha Benney,

I can grant permission to publish my text on "The Structure of Dependence".

But I can not conced the rights for "exclusive" edition because there are several other publications of this text in several languages. I would like to know the plan of the book from professor Benjamin Cohen. It certainly will be an excellent anthology.

Sincerely yours

Theotonio Dos Santos

De:Tabitha M. Benney []

Enviada em: quinta-feira, 15 de julho de 2010 17:22

cc: Benjamin Cohen

Assunto: Request for Permission Rights

Dear Dr. Dos Santos,

I am writing on behalf of Dr. Benjamin J. Cohen, Prof of Political Economy at the University of California. He is editing an anthology entitled International Political Economy, which will be published by Routledge in early 2011. The material will also be produced in eBook format as a verbatim digital copy of the printed work.

I would like your permission to include the following piece of your work:

Theotonio dos Santos (1970), "The Structure of Dependence" American Economic Review 60: 2 (May), 231-236.

I understand that you control the rights to this material. I would be very grateful if you could grant permission for its use as soon as possible, stating any credit lines or fees that you require. We are seeking non-exclusive world English language rights and will reproduce the material as part of the complete text in print and electronic formats for distribution throughout the world. The maximum print run is 1000 copies, but no price has yet been determined.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.


Tabitha Benney"

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